Amal Mohamed Nasrullah Abdel-Hakim is a sixteen year-old Australian-Palestinian-Muslim girl living in Melbourne with her mum and dad.Amal decides one day to wear the hijab, full-time! ‘Full-timers’ are what her Muslim friends call girls who wear the hijab all the time, which basically means wearing it whenever you’re in the presence of males who aren’t immediate family. After many debates and by the power of watching a ‘Friends’ episode, Amal is ready to demonstrate her belief. Not only do the students question and abuse her, but they also are proud and intrigued by such a strong character. However, her religion also forbids her to sleep with anyone other than her future husband. Try telling that to the boy you have the hots for and the feeling is mutual.
So,my comment is its a terrific english chick lit i've ever read!! Cuma,kureng romance sikit(cause i love romance!make u float!!(so mushy uhh?) hahaha!!)
Whats wrong if Adam and Amal is a lovers??Hehe...
Apart from that,I really respect kat Amal sbb dia berani tempuh segalanya dan dgn slumbernya!
Lepas baca novel Randa Abdel Fattah yg ni rasa nak baca yg 10 Things I Hate About Me lah pulak!

KEYNOTE For the readers of Gossip Girl, here is a scandalous and juicy new series about the lives of rich and famous teens in Beverly Hills.
DESCRIPTION Following in the footsteps of Gossip Girl, The Princess Diaries, and Sex in the City, The A-List is a hot new series of stand-alone original paperback novels that takes readers behind the scenes of the intoxicating world of Hollywood glitterati.

And my 2nd book to read along with Beverly Hiils is Do Cats Have Belly Buttons? by Paul Heiney. Sbb buku ni pasal facts je..ada section2 and not a story book like.. Kalau judge buku ni dari covernya mmg nampak funny.. Nak tau funny ke yak..i will check it out!
Soon,the others book queuing for me to read is..

Buku ni Kak Ti yg pilih.Dia paksa baca.
Pasal wanita pelarian Lebanese..
Cam bosan,tu pasal baca lambat sikit.

Eventhough Sophie Kinsella ni kinda faymous author
and this book is the 'no.1 bestseller' ,
I still have to hold it for now.Plus,my mommy tgh baca.

OMG! I haven't finish this since the day I came UK!
Setengah lg..kot!
hehe..(paksuamin,nnt teh abiskan..b4..em,teh masuk blaja okie!hihi!)

(this is mine)
I bought this..emm..about a week or two b4 fly to the UK!
Huahuahua!! (that time im in Lazy Mode!) haha!
I bought this..emm..about a week or two b4 fly to the UK!
Huahuahua!! (that time im in Lazy Mode!) haha!
Huh!! bila baca entry ni jer dah meletihkan,kan??
Nak buat camner..thats my tasks for the rest of my day in here kot!
Lgpon,kak ti sanggup jd my 'all time-available aka moving dictionary'!haha!
'cause my AIM is to improve my english,so i've to do what i been ask!haha!
So,buku2 pinjam kena pulangkan lebih krg 1bln lg.
I'll let u know if i finish them or not! And if my eng is at least improve a bit more.
Hehe..Wish me luck!!
Nak buat camner..thats my tasks for the rest of my day in here kot!
Lgpon,kak ti sanggup jd my 'all time-available aka moving dictionary'!haha!
'cause my AIM is to improve my english,so i've to do what i been ask!haha!
So,buku2 pinjam kena pulangkan lebih krg 1bln lg.
I'll let u know if i finish them or not! And if my eng is at least improve a bit more.
Hehe..Wish me luck!!
sorry la. i dun read this type of books. so, x sure nak cakap apa. ;p
hohoho...yelah i baca yg simple je dulu..
lgpon english i bknnya bgs sgt..
so slowly la kan..
glad to know that your interest in english literature have grown in you... start with something that youre familiar at first...
hehe..thanx olpicture!!
heh..i dont read that type of books..i only read mysterious,adventurous n books like that..romance??err a lil bit..ehehe
btw,love dlm islam is forbidden r akk..haram!!hoho ika pun sbnrnya bru tahu bbrpa bln lps..adei..@_+
eceh ddk kat sana dah tuka eng novels
kalau tk kt rumah tu penuh dgb novel alaf21.haha :D
siot ko faty..
ada la..
xkan nak gtaw ko..haiyaa..
gpon sbmlm ni mana de blog nk gtaw..haha
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