Kenapa town ni dinamakan City centre..hurm..maybe b'coz it is located in the heart of Glagow..
So,yesterday we all except Feizal(of course,cause he's in Dundee) went to the library to borrow some books.. Kitaorg pg naik train £1.85/adult. From Queens Park station yg sejengkal je dari rumah ke Central station mengambil masa around 10mins je..

Xramai sgt masa tu.Best!
Dah sampai kena jalan jauh jgk.
Dah la drizzling+sejuk then xda hood..haiya..
Dah la drizzling+sejuk then xda hood..haiya..
Kitaorg pg libary je..
nak masuk galary ke apa semua perlu masa yg panjang lg.
Ni nak cari buku pon lama bukan main.
So,kiteorg end up dgn buku2 ni..
Now,misi menghabiskan buku ni within 1month!
Kak ti xpe la its in her 2nd language!me?
Gotta finish buku yg kat profile ni dulu!
Max buku 12 yg bleh!
nak masuk galary ke apa semua perlu masa yg panjang lg.
Ni nak cari buku pon lama bukan main.
So,kiteorg end up dgn buku2 ni..
Now,misi menghabiskan buku ni within 1month!
Kak ti xpe la its in her 2nd language!me?
Gotta finish buku yg kat profile ni dulu!
Max buku 12 yg bleh!
Right-bottom2:kak ti (lg 1 tah kat mana ntah!)
Shopping sket.
Ujan lebat jgk la (bg org UK lebat gila kot!)
Tgk habis rosak papaerbag!
Balik gile penuh Central Station!
Budak2 balik skola and pekerja balik kerja!hehh..
So no seat lah utk kiteorg,yusuff je rilex!
Org sini xde la baik sgt kalu xdah bg tempat dduk kat mami.
Dah la train prob plak tu!urghh..
Balik kelaparan n keletihan! Weee~~
Budak2 balik skola and pekerja balik kerja!hehh..
So no seat lah utk kiteorg,yusuff je rilex!
Org sini xde la baik sgt kalu xdah bg tempat dduk kat mami.
Dah la train prob plak tu!urghh..
Balik kelaparan n keletihan! Weee~~
actually it's not a rain coat. It' a trench coat that you're wearing.
Macam kenal monument tu... dan dewi penah cakap the same thing, dan memang masa tangkap gambar, ada kon kat atas kepala patung tu.
ouh..trench coat ke..
how to differentiate them??
tu lah teh panggil rain coat,tanya mami dia mengiya kan..
hahaha..really?tp pic monument tu teh amik dr blakang sbb ujan la ssh nak cross the road utk amik pic dpn!
xpe sebulan lg dok sini!
hoho sebulan lagi dok sini??
heh nnti shopping sakan r erk?
haha mmg hujan lebat yg akk ckp tu bg org yg dah lama ddk sini mmg lebat giler!!xpernah plak hujan mcm tu b4..haish..dah r dlm perjalann pergi sek hujan blk plak hujan lebat!basah kuyup baju ika wooo!!
wot do u mean by "kak ti x pelah it's her 2nd language"..wots tat supposed to mean?
yela sebulan lg dok sini..
haha..xde la shopping sakan sgt..
karang excess plak luggage..haha..
laa..kalo kat malaysia mmg xlebat pon..then bising plak hujan..cni lama and diam..
tp mmg basah kuyup arhh..haha..
i meant kak ti's eng is better than mine..
plus,dia xde kot words yg xfaham.
thats why lancar je dia baca,cepat habis!
got it??
beshnye dok negara omputih... u're lucky u know...
slumberaja:huh??lucky?who??me?? just fisiting my brother's family..
its not like im staying here.. soo damn cold here!
and their scottish accent is so cannot be understand by me!!
haha yeah yeah i got it now
scottish accent eh?
hahax u'll get used to it,
mmg r mula2 xfhm but then bila slalu dgr n ckp ngan diorg fhm's not that hard really..
heh i prefer proper english though..not scottish..kalo nk tahu,org london hate scottish,even dgr org scottish ckp pun diaorg pndg sinis..
akk dah tgk cerita "Brave Heart" kat tv?slalu disiarkn kat tv..citer tu dia ceritakn psl org scottish n england..i dunno where to start..susah r nk dsbbkn citer tu r england n scottish gado..kalo akk tgk citer tu mesti akk akn menyebelahi scottish bkn england..sedih woo citer dia..ika smpai's about sacrifies..huhu..tgk r citer tu nnti akk akn fhm...cuba tnya kakak ipar akk..maybe dia dah tgk dah kot citer tu..
ika ada tnya kwn2 scottish ika knp diaorg hate sgt org england ni,diaorg kata r bcoz england people r stupid n blah2 fhm2 jelah..
kat sekolah ika,kalo ada org dr england or london,they just ignore them..huh..seb baik r ika dr malaysia..hahax
adei pnjg ler plak ika bg comment nih..eheh
asal tutup yusuff cmtu ngn plastik?
ika:u dont need to explain it to me panjang lebar..
i've watched it..
tp xbrape concentrate laa..
dah lama tgk kat Astro.
Faty:tu tuk cover masa ujan..
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