As you all know post sebelum ni i mentioned about subject Malaysian Studies yg penuh class sebab dia general subject.Compulsory to all courses. So semalam after a week ponteng,pg class and settle semua.Plan nak tuka subject tp lecturer tak galakkan sbb susah.End up dgn amik extra class for part time student.Kelas malam Selase 6.15-9.15PM.
Agak keberatan jgk mulanya nak amik,pikir nak drop ke,tapi nanti jenuh nak kena amik sem depan2 nnt.On the other hand,im pretty sure my parents,bro would not allowed to go at night.So yg sebabkan setuju tu sbb ada 5org member lain amik skali.So that balik malam nak cross over to LRT Sultan Ismail tu xde la risau sgt.sorg tu pulak lelaki,tinggal dkt Wangsa Maju,so hopefully throughout this sem he will keep me accompany balik college sampai LRT Masjid Jamek.Once dah dekat LRT Putra tu rase selamat sikit lah than LRT Star.
After i told my parents about this they are like;what to do?(it seems like..?).Different with my bro yg well known anti-KLMU,he kept on bebel2 marah klmu,complaining etc etc..This makes him hate klmu even more surely.After knowing i'll have company even though a guy,he's a bit calm.Aduii..
Jalan Raja Laut,KL,dekat2 dgn caukit,malam2 pulak tu,so tau2 lah ape jenis manusia yg ada kan,ape pulak aktiviti diorg..huh..Nak cross tu better guna jalan ke jejantas eh?Sbb jejantas tu 'tempat tidur' for homeless,kang ape jadi tak tahu.Siang pon ade org penah kena ragut inikan malam.Lintas bwh gelap kang kete tak nampak kite..Haiya..Ikut budak2 tu jelah.
Based on my friends' experience dgn class malam,dorg kate biasanya class habis awal.like eight or earlier,HOPEFULLY!!!
Anyway,i can feel this sem will be the toughest one,but there are 4 semesters to go with 13 subjects,so so far ni the toughest lah!
By the way,dua subject tourism td okay.satu related to marketing and another one to management.Satu lecturer lama,sem 1 dulu dah pernah dgn dia.A madam.Perangainya yg anyone can obviously noticed is bias between girls and boys student.she has no 'ladies first' manner,instead 'men FIRST'.Dalam kelas tadi sorg je laki,die lah jadi mangsa,let's see later!
Leturer sorg lagi lecturer baru,she speaks fully english tadi,and all the conversation she prefers in english.Im so OKAY with that,but typical prob with students aite.It's just them having difficulties in this. But,im in semester 4 now,why do i still get butterflies n super nervous when it comes to self introduction session?aduhaii..
Ok,stop now.Let's see how's tonight.
till then..Salam!

Be extra carefull! don't take it easy on safety measures...
tu lah..risau jgk,xbleh nak hundred percent depend dkt member yg teman kan..
black paper spray,check!
safety alarm,check!
self-defence..oh noo..
Yup! Agree dengan Olpic.Jaga diri baik2,jgn terlalu berharap pada kawan.Kadang2,kawan le yang cabut lari dulu.Btw,bro you yang mana yang kuat buat 'kelepek' tu? T??
yup,si ti..
tu lah,ok,thanks.i keep that in mind!
wahh lama gila tak baca blog teh, yela bila kak t cek before ni tak update2 sampaila kak t lupa, ehee absent minded.
hehe tula kak t konon nak berblog cam paksuamin n teh konon tapi sampai skrg habuk pon tarak!byk idea tapi i guess nak start tu yg errrr bukannya reti hehe.. dah nak kena refresh study balik before keje, dgn jg yusuff n ehem kemalasan kepenatan sloww le progress.. takpe i shall have a blog one day. tungguuuu
hahahah..jgn la asik dok ckp absent minded je,nnt jd btol2 kang..ohh,xpe at least jumpa la jgk blog teh ni kan..sesat ke nak sampai sini??hahah..
that's the thing,u just start with one entry,then u'll have the the idea,the picture of how to do next time!xreti?mcm microsoft word jee..
ok,sure,no matter how long it takes i'll wait to welcome u here!
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