S:kelas num brapa?
TF:(confident)04-17.Class english aku sem lepas.Kiri ke kanan ahh 17?
belok kiri..
dah masuk,and sambil menuju kat belakang2 sikit si S:'Eh,kau,kau kelas ni jgk ke?Bkn kau account ke?'
TF:Ni kelas Malaysian Studies kan?
thatgirl:Bukanlah,ni account!
S:tehhhh!!ape u ni,td confident gila!Malunya!!Ni bilik 7 lah,suke ko tolak 10!
TF:Alah,rilek lah.Heheh..malu2..
keluar and pg belah kanan tadi cari bilik 10,jenguk sane sini last2 tanya guard,rupenya tesorok celah2 dinding2 tu!Dush!!Ngok klmu susun kelas pon tak betol..
Masuk2 Miss dah ade but keluar gi tandas sambil tggu yg lain dtg.
Student pulak mude2 jek,mana yg tue2 ops,part time nih,nak usha.Hahaha..
Sampailah ke akhir kelas yg berakhir pukul 1930 student dlm kelas batch aku jek.semua full time.Lerrr...
So,kelas tu habis awal sebab kiteorg xnak blaja lagi.Ngengade,mentang lecturer tu gile vaveng sempoi.Rupenya semalam first class baru,so ade intro sikit2 and borak2..
Ape yg kiteorg borak?Rase macam dlm kelas pementasan,rase macam amik course Mass Comm pulak.Sbb selain drpd Gejala sosial masa kini yg menjadi tajuk utk assignment kiteorg.Kiteorg jgk borak pasal;
Miss:Sebenarnyakan saya tak berapa nak suka mengajar time ni tau,sebab antara pukul 4-8 lah otak kita paling lembab!(im still working hard to find the details about this fact!)Ha,kite kena start kul 8 lah camtu!
Student:Dah tu habis kul brapa pulak?11PM?
Miss:Ehh,tak boleh kul 11,ade cite best masa tu.Ghost Whisperer kol 11 citer ni kol ni blablabla(dia bgtaw jadual siaran tv.Eish!ape die nih keje part time wat jadual programme tv apee?!)
Student:Miss layan citer2 tu?
Miss:Ehh,mestilah.sy suke sgt tgk tv.Sgt2.Katun ke ape ke sume tgk.Ha,harini selase kan,skang ade..Naruto,eh bukan Detective Conan kan..
Bising satu kelas..
Pastu sambung pasal Prison Break,her favourite of all i bet!And pasal mcm2 citer lg.
Miss:Pada pendapat saya,saya kurang setujulah kalau pencuri zaman sekarang nak rogol and bunuh sekali.Macam tak professional je.Mcm Prison Break tu (again) buat yg he is good at lah.Kalau mencuri,mencuri jelah.Macam xbest..bla bla bla..
Miss:Pasal kes buang bayi,bayangkan kalau tourist dtg tak ke malu nnt tourist nak gi jalan memana tgk besepah2 bayi tepi jalan!
(Huh?Agak la miss nih nak wat ayat pon,takot je aku dga.Isn't she a bit (or very) exaggerated?
Whatever it is the assignment has been given.I was really enjoying the first class.But now im at the dilemma stage for this assignment.
The assignment can be done alone,partners,or group.
SHE seems likely want me to be her partner.But HE wants to join me to make it into a group assignment.While HE has HIM to do the assignment together.But,SHE seems to disapproved HIS suggestion.
Two heads are better than one.
But,more than two heads will it be a disaster??
If four of us wanna make it a group,it's too many people too much problems will come.
You know how is it like to work with boys.Their typical attitudes.I had enough already with this Girl Fella.I just could not face anymore in future.
Be on The Horns of a Dilemma Girl,

pekehe lecturer tu.agak best pon ade,student pown layaann jek.haha
tp msok klas tros bg assign?
mcm tu je ke?
khidupan U mcm susah!
HAHAHA,tu lah best kot,single lecturer biasanya camtulah,fhm hati students.
mmg kita sendri pon nak taw ape assignmnt awal2 so sng nk prepare ape2.dateline pon lame bkn kjp.sebulan dua camtu.
kalu dah taw nnt xde la susah mn,cuma MMG KENA BLAJA BTOL2 la sbb nnt kne repeat la apela,kalo skola trok pon masuk jgk klas.hehe..
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