Akhirnya terjawab sudah segala macam persoalan yg muncul (apehal ayat novel nih) for less than a month nih..And it so relief!
As i mention at the n3 below,I had some healthy probs,unknown diagnose etc etc..
Bila dah sakit tu for sure people around me sgt2 concern abt my health.THANKS!
And they (either doc or not) made their own speculation/assume about my health;
:"do a urine test,see weather its a track inf. or could it be stone?.."(Pergh!)
:"..maybe its a track inf. buat urine test and beli antibiotic ni!.." (aduhh!im so ok with peeing laa!)
:"..It's nothing,maybe salah posture,and muscle ache je,and u got fever..! (that's all?!)
:"..Go and see the gynae!Banda2 private ni jgn amik mudah!" (urm?but im ok with peeing,dear!)
and this morning,i notice a few red spots on my hands,and its getting more and more at the whole body.mmg chuak.called sumone and..
:"..ade spots merah?sakit kpala..nausea x?tkt symptom meningitis jek!" (dush!pucat!)

So,decided pg private clinic (dah seksa ngn bohlayan gov doc!)
wlaupon agak lama jgk tggu sbb ade sorg doc je,but that old yet experienced doc was so sempoi,rilex and ok la..
Bila dah di'consult' ,diagnosed,buat urine test (perfect!no protein,sugar,bacteria etc) dia checked bintik2 ni terus ckp CHICKEN POX!

And for those who care abt me,i dont blame them for the wronged diagnose,i know the main symtomp appear late.Who could expect aite!unless i do a blood test!
Lower backache ni caused by viral infection.So dia bg ubat for antiviral inf yg katanya utk stop dr bnyk bintik kluar and prevent from shingels in future?
tah ye ke tak!
Habis lebih rm13 bila ditambah dgn entry post rm50 tuh..haha
and dapat 5hari MC,adoi dah la ade benda kena anta kat Ling laoshi kamis ni..huhu!
jumaat plak ade MDTF kat PWTC..huhu..
And now,faham2 lah..Gilak gatal!Masa ni lah gelabah nak carik air kelapa,daun semambu,calamine lotion etc etc.Calamine lotion is all over me!kecuali kepala,ssh nak buh!Takot pulak tgk muke sendri yg btompok2 pink,comel pon ade..nak pic?huahauha!
But,is it a bit late for me to have this chicken pox?
Google image chicken pox mostly babies,infants jek..huhuu..
Sape lah yg baik hati sgt pass this virus to me kan,huh!
huhu..sabo jek la ek :P
makan ubat and rest secukupnye~
5hari MC tuh..besh2 duduk umah..tp..
gatal la kan..cian dia..garu je huhu
nk tolong garukan pun xleh :P
sis kan,kalo penyakit gatal2 ni yg xleh duduk..pnyakit len xpe agik..
niway..tc aite! get well soon~
hepi MC ing :P
yang penting, jangan kena hujan! nanti jadi parut kekal. kena pantang makan ayam,seafood, and ikan2 jenis gatal... mummy tau la kan rasanya apa yang kena pantang...
ha,tu la....makan ayam malberi lagi,kan da kena???
HuaHuaHua...(lagu baru saiful apek)
hahaha!!kene duk umah jek le 5 hari...byk ler yg tetinggal kt class nanty...paper pown aku doakn ko chat cpt...aty2 k jgn tgl kn paroot...he3 first time kene la nie erk??tc k;b
sis zazz:hi sis,thx for da comment,
sabo?yela,but kkadang gatal sgt cam pg td bgn tdo gatal tros xle tdo,bgn rase cam nak nanges sgt!
sis xle duk diam?hm,lbey krg la kite..
olpicture:hm,bnyk nyee,lupa plak.
'exited' kena chicken pox,haha..so far xhujan lagi.risau gak tkt lupa..huhu..for the first day i had ikan kembong bakar(wlaupon mami taw xle mkn,tp selar dah abis kat kdi),and aym goleng wing(temptation!)
xpe,lps tu lumur daun timur tasik+kapur..
chempakabiru:hahaha..aym malberi kita plak kena jd mangsa..haha..
huahuahua lagu baru apex yee?ok.
azza:ntah la first time ke 2nd time.sbb aku ingt lagu masa dajah 2 dah pnh kena..measles maybe..
seska taw bila kena masa dah besa.
kena uruskan diri sndri..
xde la bnyk tgal sgat kot,huhu..
ala,parot!jgn ingt kan aku leh tak!
tu la kena masa dah tua ni taku tinggak kesan parut la. kalau kena masa kecik, cepat salin kulit... ni kulit tua, susah la kan... so akan stay away from KJ for the next 2 weeks...
baik pegi dating! lagi best!
alah teh, kalau tak tahan gatal sgt, makan cetirizine, hilang skit gatal2. chlorphenamine pon bleh tapi lagi ngantuk la.
olpicture:amboi2..dating?yeah pg lah..
then what was last friday then?
kak tie:ok,dah xgatal sgt.mandi ngan air daun semambu..
so far oke,ngan bantuan ubat skali..hehe..thx!
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