So,last week camtu lah CempakaBiru came here for her son's orchestra,sambil2 tu pay a visit to we all la..
One evening kiteorg gi Giant (ajee..) sbb ada org tu superb teliur Giant Corn Crakecrs (bahahha!ingatkan apa!)
Everything goes as usual la..But bila part nak membayar (na!na!na!bkn xde dwit or lupe bwk purse!) bila keluarkan note 50 tuh the casher aked in shocked;
"eh,ni duit apa ni?!"
In the same time,I pulak tekejut and puzzled jgk,dlm hati i confused; 'apahal che chik nih,duit mainan bdk2 tu masuk dlm purse dia kee?'
'and die wat dek?ke duit baht?(buruk semacam jek-in a glance i didn't even notice the head of agong)adoi..'

My aunt answer the casher;
'duit baru la ni,xpenah nampak ke?!'
dlm ke'confuse'annye jwb.
And the casher ask her friend lpas her friend meng'iya' kan baru lah the casher and me sighing; 'ha?ye ke?ok2..'

Sumpah!I admit yg i memang kurang kesah sgt pasal ape keliling i,berita2 ni kurang sket nak nengok,apetah lagi bace paper kan..
Tapi sape punya keje la yg gatal2 asik2 tuka2 duit nih..
Ade yg panjang,ade yg ade plastik,ade yg tu ni tu ni..
tak leh ke seragamkan sume duit wat design,saiz and everything serupa(except for the colour la dude!)
Yg baru ni kaler cam dull,dganye lagi kecik..adoi,to make it short buruk laa..
yg lama ala2 turquiose and i really love it!
Balik tu rupenya my mom,uncle pon xtau lagi pasal duit baru ni..huhu..
xde la completely my bad kan sbb xtaw..hekhekhekk..
hahaha!!aku tahu gak sal duit bru tu...mse rayer thun lepas...klakar ar cik casher 2...
huhuh..raya thn lps ko dah taw?
adoi..dahsyat nye aku baru taw!
cashier tu memang senghal!!
klu da bodo sangat xtaw mulut p bising wat pe?
harus di campak aje dari Menara KLCC!
huahauhua..marahnye yee chempakabiru?
ni bila nak buat blog ni?
im impatiencely waiting..
Lom agi ar..xsempat. Bz dok munching
Giant Superb Corn Crackers! ha ha..
Bila ek agak-agak diorang nak lantik l jadi duta biskut tu?
kahkahkah!sdp sgt ke?
sbb..haha..ade secret recipe dlm tu-Bugs!
hahah..the day u left KJ,i ate it,and i notice a bug,tah dr mana die muncul..
so u better keep it in the fridge taw!
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