He was twice inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,
13 of his songs hit No. 1 and he won 13 Grammy Awards.
He was lauded and ridiculed.
He was the King of Pop.Music genius.
He was generation's icon.
Great dancer,choreographer.
He was a Legend and also a Fashion Icon!
..Al-Fatihah and R.I.P..
He was lauded and ridiculed.
He was the King of Pop.Music genius.
He was generation's icon.
Great dancer,choreographer.
He was a Legend and also a Fashion Icon!
..Al-Fatihah and R.I.P..

Post entry ni dah lama siap,tp macam xsanggup nak publish (xnak admit that he's gone!)
And sometime i wake up and didn't believe and that he's gone!
Ok,I wasn't a fan of his back then,not at all,i don't even care what he was,he did or bla3..
But I do know all of his hits song-Thriller,Beat It (dga yg FOB punya baru tau tu original by him-MY BAD!) ,Man In The Mirror, Black Or White,Billy Jean,Smooth Criminal,Bad,Heal The World,dan yg paling tak boleh nak dga since dia dah xda ni is You Are Not Alone etc etc..
Pernah rasanya baca pasal dia letak Prince Michael II aka Blanket dekat balcony tu but,xkesah pon.
And the last berita baca pasal dia (masa hidup),was last year masa tu dekat UK.Michael Jackson 50th Birthday.
Sume org dah post pasal the lost of our King Pop.
But,better late than never right??
Besides,I was quite disturbed with his lost.
So so distubed,sad balblabla till i cant post abt him..

Tak pernah2 gila kat dia,ni dia dah xdek baru nak fanatik!
Actualy start dgn bace articles dia pasal tragic death yg menimpa dia,makin lama makin korek2 and korek2 sume cite dia,vids,interviews,gossips sampai xleh tdo,and kalo tido pon terjage2 teringat dia!(tah pape cam la besfren kan?).
Tapi bila dah macam2 baca,and tgk,especially after tgk interview 'Oprah Meets Michael Jackson' dekat You Tube which is the interview was held at MJ's mansion-Neverland Ranch,and tahu what kind of person he really was,masa tu lah macam 'why have u leave us,ur fans,ur kids who still needs u?' or 'u gone too soon,just at 50 yrs of age'
And my search about him never stop,and don't wanna miss a single news about him (peminat setia CNN,Newspapers,BBC etc..)
Knowing him through video interview Oprah-MJ, he was a very soft-spoken person,innocent,naive,so shy,humble,cool,and awesom-est person/entertainer ever!
It's also like he got 2 (or maybe more?) split personality,shy in person and so energetic and ganas when he was on the stage!
Daddy and the kids..
MJ playing with the balls.
He's still an innocent n naive kid 'traped' in an adult body!
Although,he's not the biological father for the kids,
but his love can't be denied!
The children.Prince Michael I,12,Paris Katherine,11,Prince Michael II,7.
Who are going to get the custody?
But,some say,di bwh penjagaan Katherine and jugak Joe Jackson (MJ's evil dad),taknak lah sejarah berulang kembali.As we all know yg Joe pernah abuse anak2 lelaiki dia sendiri (of course termsk Michael) dgn agak kejam!
Maybe sejarah xkan berulang,but dgn dorg dijaga oleh org yg agak didendam n dibenci Michael,Mesti Michael xsuka!
I've also the Michael's will on July 2002,says,he don't want any stranger take care of his children INCLUDE si gemok Debbie Rowe tu!
Walaupun dia dah failed case utk jadi guardian to her 'kids',and dganya nak jgk jage'kan' Blanket sekali,rasenya xpayah la jage tiga2 langsung.
The kids never seen her and how are they going to live with her kan?
And dia pulak capable ke nak jaga,beri semua keperluan kat budak2 tu mcm Michael buat?
Lagipun the kids dah kenal sgt dgn Jackson's Family tu.
Papepon don't ever separate Prince Michael I & Paris with Prince Michael II!
His last performance.2days before his death.
Performing 'They Don't Really Care About Us'He was smiling at the end.Smile of satisfaction?or..?

He's still an innocent n naive kid 'traped' in an adult body!

but his love can't be denied!

Who are going to get the custody?
Buat masa sekarang Katherine,MJ's beloved mother.
But,some say,di bwh penjagaan Katherine and jugak Joe Jackson (MJ's evil dad),taknak lah sejarah berulang kembali.As we all know yg Joe pernah abuse anak2 lelaiki dia sendiri (of course termsk Michael) dgn agak kejam!
Maybe sejarah xkan berulang,but dgn dorg dijaga oleh org yg agak didendam n dibenci Michael,Mesti Michael xsuka!
I've also the Michael's will on July 2002,says,he don't want any stranger take care of his children INCLUDE si gemok Debbie Rowe tu!
Walaupun dia dah failed case utk jadi guardian to her 'kids',and dganya nak jgk jage'kan' Blanket sekali,rasenya xpayah la jage tiga2 langsung.
The kids never seen her and how are they going to live with her kan?
And dia pulak capable ke nak jaga,beri semua keperluan kat budak2 tu mcm Michael buat?
Lagipun the kids dah kenal sgt dgn Jackson's Family tu.
Papepon don't ever separate Prince Michael I & Paris with Prince Michael II!
His last performance.2days before his death.
Performing 'They Don't Really Care About Us'He was smiling at the end.Smile of satisfaction?or..?