et cetera
Monday, 19 July 2010


- Do not argue lah if you not sure about it yourself.Listen to what i have to say.I'll share what i know,OK!
- Do,go on if you think you are right.and go on with what you've said,not mine!
- Do try first before you can say 'I don't know'.Please,put some effort!
- I don't mink you asking,but,seriously it's irritating.So,i dunno what to say though..
- Ask once,more than 3 times you ask me the same question,surely i'll smack you down!
- Do you have any other problem with me?Come,let's just confront!
Yang Geramm,

Tuesday, 20 April 2010
hectic weeks..

Haloooo,it's been decade huh?hahah..
- Malaysian Studies sosial issues presentation (they already sent the hard cory,i know nothing abt it,not even start the assg,damnnn!!!),
- Travel&Tour Agency Mgmnt:about travel agency(go to the travel agency and interview-haven't went to any yet-23rd present-argh!!!),Individual-travel agency department(DONE 90%)
- Domestic Tourism-Genting report (simple one anything abt genting,regarding the trip)
- Marketing-SWOT&Packaging&Labelling (haven't done anything yet-20th submit-huh?!!today uh!!)

Monday, 1 March 2010
I'm A Loner..daridididara duu..

Wednesday, 24 February 2010
result under maintenance..

Ni baru balik college,ade class tapi tak pegi. Ade sebab musababnya. So,dga2 result last sem is out!! For klmu's students,kiteorg nak tgk result mcm bdk2 sekolah dulu,tgk dekat papan kenyataan. Huhh,sedeyhh gileee..! Last friday dgrnya dah tampal but student yg jiwa kacau koyakkan!Huhh! Dah bodoh nak menyusahkan orang pulak!

Pisang busuk berbuah banyak kali,menchi!

Ahhh,menci,menci,menci!I really don't know what's gotten into me,lately or before2 this lagi..huh.

Friday, 19 February 2010
You're Beautiful/Minami Sineyo review..

Episodes: 16
Broadcast Network: SBS
Go Mi Nyu is a sister-in-training. When her identical twin brother Go Mi Nam successfully auditions into the musical band A.N.JELL but is forced to leave for the US to correct a botched plastic surgery effort, she is approached by his manager to pose as Mi Nam for the duration of his recovery. Against her wishes, Mi Nyu accepts in order to fulfill her brother's dream of finding their mother. Now, posing as Mi Nam, Mi Nyu enters the group A.N.JELL and meets its members; Hwang Tae Kyung, Kang Shin Woo and Jeremy.
Initially disliked by Tae Kyung, the group's leader and composer, Mi Nyu slowly falls in love with him, only to find herself entangled in a love triangle between him and Shin Woo. Jeremy also harbors a one-sided love for her despite not knowing she's a girl. Additionally, Mi Nyu finds herself rivaled against Yoo He Yi, an actress who also has feelings for Tae Kyung.
- Vocal/leader for A.N.JELL
- Typical hot-obnoxious arrogant-brat (like GJP)He’s very cold hearted due to the fact that his mom abandoned him when he was young
- A son of a diva.
- love it the way he calls 'Go Mi Nam' in a bossy way.
- Has various hair styles in this drama (awesomeee!)
- Loves to monologue!
- Pig-rabbit's inventor!(i want that one!)
- Gila sukeee sgt2 his very deep-manly voice (nak cari bf camtuh)
- Had a heartthrob when watching him in Baby&Me.
- Has a twin brother
- A sister-in-training (nun)
- Had to sacrificed herself for the sake of her twin brother (kire dipergunakan lah)
- As a second vocalist
- Senang dibuli,shy,lemah lembut and guna formal hangguk when speaks
- Selalu buat benda yg Tae Kyung tak suka.Ade scene she spits,hahaha!
- Selalu kata tak nak kacau Tae Kyung but keeps and end up kacau and menyusahkan jgk!
- Di sayangi oleh dan direbut oleh 3orang jejaka (whoaaa..mcm GJD)
- Her parents unfortunately have history with Tae Kyung's mom.
- Suka buat pig-nose,esp bila hati tak keruan
- Guitarist/bass for A.N.JELL
- A quiet and so caring person (reminds me of Ji Hoo bof)
- Secretly loves Mi Nam,but late in confronting her end up loser -so sorry netizens (mcm Ji Hoo jgk)
- He is a member of korean indie band,C.N Blue (so no wonder fans is on his side-i did too,but later i turned to Tae Kyung-heartthrob!,i don't really like 'slow' guy)
- Drummer for A.N.JELL
- Hardly see him sad
- Believed to be related to royal Britain or something
- Has a dog named Anjelina Jolie,called Jollie (love his accent when calling her)
- Surprisingly,he also likes Mi Nam (even before the secret revealed)
- Leader of FT Island (no wonder he has such a great vocal!)
- Fans also go crazy for him,cause maybe he's already an idol in real life!(but not me,he's too childish for his character,and i think he looks funny in blonde!huhu)