Ahhh,menci,menci,menci!I really don't know what's gotten into me,lately or before2 this lagi..huh.
The story goes like this.Yesterday got nite class,i was worried like the first day i went to the nite class harituh.But,this time im worried because the friend im usually with (the indian gal) isn't coming,got her personal things.So i had to depend on my male friend,Zaf.ok,im too dependant,totally agree.But i have to,it's a night class ok.So,boy kan bukan leh pecaye sgt,nak tanak dtg class suke suki dorang jek.So risau la kalo die tak dtg nak balik ngan sape.
Lagi tambah risau,lrt 4 coaches yg dinaiki pulak dekat Tmn Bhg and Tmn Paramount dok stuck for about 10-15mins at each stations.I was staring at my watch jelah.Sambil layan ost You're Beautiful.Dengar announcement kata lrt gerak lambat,jam kat depan,lrt pon jam jgk taw jgn xtaw!
Rupenye kilat berdentam dentum laa..Patut xdga sbb telinga duk dengar drum je dr tadi.huh.
Sampai Masjid Jamek Putra & Star everything was fine,disinilah curse ke apa entah kena kat aku,huh!;
..tetiba turun kat the next station.Jalan half-way nak turun tangga,rase macam pelik.Tengok sekeliling..Ni bukan Sultan Ismail yg sepatutnya aku turun kan,ni BANDARAYA!ohh,b******t! In my mind was;
a)What to do now?(glance at the back,pintu bukak lrt lagi tu,kalo lari sempat..tp pakai sandel ngok licin jatuh mau double malu!)
b)What should i act?(Terus jalan pastu,hmm,ok!)
~~~Camera action!~~~~
Scene 1:Pura-pura terus berjalan.
scene 2:Berhenti kat tepi.(org tgk2)Buat2 tengok handphone.As if ade text msg masuk.Konon nak meet up with someone at somewhere(Bandaraya now that someone tukar tempat nak jumpa dekat Sultan Ismail pulak)
cene 3:Ok,got that 'text msg' (of course i got text mssgs,but it was from my mom & my male friend instead)Patah balik,berlari, k o n o n.l a m b a t.f o r."m e e t i n g" !.
Scene 4:(someone is looking weirdly at me tuh,seems like he noticed huh?!)
Buat2 received a call from that 'someone'.Answer it out LOUD!
"Lahh,ko nak jumpa dekat Sultan Ismail pulak ke,aku baru turun Bandaraya ni.Emm,takpe2 aku naik train balik.Tuu,nak sampai dah.Haa,ok jumpa nanti ok!Byee!"
Scene 5:Bila lrt star sampai,naik.Stand still near the door!
FYI:Scene 4 tak buat ok! Although malu punya pasal,eager nak buat tu macam 80% dah! Tgk drama bnyk camni lah esp korean.Hee..Gileee hape buat..Lagi malu woo..
To think of it,this isn't the first time (of course it isn't) nor the second or third..huh..how pathetic!
The last time i remembered was on my way back from college,in the Putra LRT.Im supposed to turun at Tmn Bhg,but i was daydreaming and when it's at KJ,baru sedar.Dah keluar pintu,nak turun escalator baru teringat that i can just sit there and the train will going back to Tmn Bhg kan?Or just sit at the waiting bench.While im thinking of these i passed the exit already.Nasib station tuh bnyk kedai,so i was just doing what im good at-Cover line-wandering at those shops.I forgot if i bought anything though..Tapi tak malu la pulak bila lalu kat entrance/exit tunjuk travel pass dekat org yg sama.Hahahah!
Haahh,lagi satu tapi ni kes lain sikit..dekat lrt star mmg i prefer just standing near the door je (i didn't lean on it ok)sebab 2stations je pon.Mase tuh dekat Bandaraya,ade makcik masuk terus tanya soalan mengejut "train ni pegi sentul ke?" Aku pon blur+tekejot, "Huh?Iye2". pastu tengok balik path laluan train star ni mana pegi.Mmg aku blur skit ngan star ni sbb ade Sri Petaling and Ampang,gile keliru!Aku ngan merengnya pegi kat akak tu "Akak,akak nak pegi Sentul kan?Salah la kak,ni nak pegi blablabla..Xpe akak bleh (comes with solution konon)"
Masatuh nak sampai my destination dah,akak tu ckp,"eh,betul lah..kan tu (tunjuk aliran tu),anak die pon mengiyakan.Aku tgk balik..ayoyooo,what have i done!Being generous huh?Or honest?Or what the f***-ever! Aku cover-line,"haa'ahh,yelah2,sori kak,lupe!" Terus meluru keluar train!Sampai harini aku malu lagi bila ingat tuh!
p/s:Fathi,rase mcm ape yg ko post,jadi dekat aku jgk lah!
tak tiru yer.It happens!

haha. seriously. wtf?
what wtf??
accident happens!
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