Ni baru balik college,ade class tapi tak pegi. Ade sebab musababnya. So,dga2 result last sem is out!! For klmu's students,kiteorg nak tgk result mcm bdk2 sekolah dulu,tgk dekat papan kenyataan. Huhh,sedeyhh gileee..! Last friday dgrnya dah tampal but student yg jiwa kacau koyakkan!Huhh! Dah bodoh nak menyusahkan orang pulak!
So,tahapku IQ utk sem 3: English A '++' (ohh well,although i almost thought i was gonna failed/NC it!I made a mistake on choosing the essay's topic,darn!),
PC Com-B (if it was internet or social networking class i bet i'll get an A++ !no doubt!haha!),
Principle of Tourism-B+ (it's about the very basic of tourism,hurmm,will i get into Tourism Malaysia with this grade!huaaa!),
Mandarin & Travel Sales-C+ !(Mandarin,bu shi tao!Kalau korean A++ dah!Tutup mata boleh buat!Hahah!Travel sales susah gak,lecturer tak abis ugut ramai failed,cet!)
Overall?Rase better (ngok ko!as long as there's C's!) sbb tu ade gut nak announce nih,hahah!Tapi ni tak tgk pointer lagi,i think it is on it's way now to my house.
Walaubagaimanapun,in this sophomore year my aim is just to get rid of those C's, and maintain to stay away from getting NC or fail!(shuhh! shuhh!)
Et Cetera menjadi saksiku!
Tapi kaann,subject sem nih macam semua ada potential utk dapat C jek,camne niehhh..
Sophomore Diggin' Her Own Grave,

ni confirm pointer okey, so tk payah nk risau2 sgt. hehe
so kali nie dah bleh dapat taw pointer la eh? yela sebelum nie kan result ko tk sampai rumah..
ouhh,yg first sem jek xsampai,huhuh,last sem xsampai 3 pointer pon!arghh,xpenah nak sampai 3 doe!gerammmnyerr..
results looks ok cuma mandarin je slack.xpe dont give up, make sure pointer 3 ke atas selalu baru selamat. anyway, i know u can do it. yusuff pon cheer ni 'go, go auntie teh!hip, hip,hooray!!'
errk,alamak,ingat k.tie xbace,huhuh!malu3,hahaha..ok,thanks dear sis n darling titi!
itulah just nak get rid those Cs tuh..hehe..
mandarin susah k.tie..hehe..
if it was korean..em..
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