I couldn't remember when was the last time I'm into AF,tapi rasenya sejak tahun SPM/PMR mmg dah tak tgk kot,humph..entahlah..
So,back to our topic,my uncle dapat 2 free VVIP (lah sgt!hey,kire free pon dah ckp baik OK!) tickets,so he offered me to tag along (cam xcaye jgk memula,besenye die prefer ajak member jewk!). So,ape lagi rezeki jangan di tolak ye tak?
So,a day before tuh study lah sikit(supposed study utk final xm!Ni final af lak!) and tanya my mummy the finalist sbb dia tgk concert a week before tu.
Cut the rubbish straight to the main point lah teh!
Pastu,that day no news from my uncle,ingat tak jadi,bila dia sampai rumah (fuh!merasa jgk aku gi concert).Siap2 dalam pukul 1900pm gerak.Before that,gile chuak nak mintak kebenaran kat my papa (die agak anti-entertainment sket!).Tapi bila mintak OK jek,sbb keluar ngn adik ipar die (trusted).
Sampai Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil around 1930,environment yg sgt2 mengujakan!Almost everywhere ada je groups of fans+banners+afros=die hard fanss.Agak menchuakkan aku juge lee..hehh..


Masuk dewan before 2030pm,kiteorg duk betul2 'belakang' "peng'muji'" woo,betul2 depan stage!Fans tepekik2,bersahut2tan,dpt tgk behind the scene sblum start tu best sgt!
Inside the stadium

Hafis' performances and vocal wasn't good enuff to be compared with the previous concerts but i love Masih Jelas though!While Akim's performances were great!Especially Bencinta really makes 'terpukau'! And I fell in love with Bengang too! Yet,I'm not saying his vocal is so good,though!
I start yawning+covering my ears=frowning once I hear Yazid',Aril's and Isma(can't stand anymore!) voice.
Extra performance budak2 lain okey jee,ex-student-Stacy pulak best jgk!Sound die rase cam esoknye nak pekak dah!And one more thing lagu stacy punya wave tu macam tertolak aku rasekan!(serious,i did felt it!)
Endless sighing..
And of course you all know the result is!That's make me so-so unsatisfied with that AF Masuk is the runner-up and my now-fave is the third place (how can this happend?!) Opps!I forgot! This is AF's trade mark isn't?
And,Hafiz 'I don't love you like I did yesterday'.But to make me love you again I need to watch your previous performances,then it'll convince me! (ceh,like he cares if I don't love him!hahah!)
I start yawning+covering my ears=frowning once I hear Yazid',Aril's and Isma(can't stand anymore!) voice.
Extra performance budak2 lain okey jee,ex-student-Stacy pulak best jgk!Sound die rase cam esoknye nak pekak dah!And one more thing lagu stacy punya wave tu macam tertolak aku rasekan!(serious,i did felt it!)

Endless sighing..
And of course you all know the result is!That's make me so-so unsatisfied with that AF Masuk is the runner-up and my now-fave is the third place (how can this happend?!) Opps!I forgot! This is AF's trade mark isn't?
And,Hafiz 'I don't love you like I did yesterday'.But to make me love you again I need to watch your previous performances,then it'll convince me! (ceh,like he cares if I don't love him!hahah!)
aku tk bape suka Akim tu, bajet je
suara pun biasa je
hafiz mmg layak ah menang
tebaikk! :D
btw, bst nyee pegi tgk live!
liputan yang menarik!
fathy: fati baik ko tarik balik kata2 kau..sebelumm...muaha ha ha!
aku terpukau dgn last two performances die laa..if u read my coretan..
olpicture: eh?really?tah la biasa je,bebel2,makin lama makin menjadi!kahkahkah!
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