Lepak sini sudaa..
Tempat lepak rasmi.
Tempat lepak rasmi.
Pukul 5.30 ptg,makan ni je...
I am nineteen..Huhuhu..
Balik tu at 8pm,then pg dine out dgn my bro Tie and my Mummy,since the rest is not available.
My papa is at hometown,sending my Granma and my cousin off..
So,dalam pukul 9.30 left home,at 10.30 baru lah jumpe tempat makan,selepas pusing area Uptown and KJ,at last sangkut kat Popaye Taman Tun.
Ok lah,thanks to them yg sanggup bwk i keluar makan..(wpon perut seriously dah full!)
Sepatutnye at the age of Nineteen xyah celebrate pon xpe..
As long as they remember my birthday and wish on my birthday..
That's more than enough!hehehee..
My papa is at hometown,sending my Granma and my cousin off..
So,dalam pukul 9.30 left home,at 10.30 baru lah jumpe tempat makan,selepas pusing area Uptown and KJ,at last sangkut kat Popaye Taman Tun.
Ok lah,thanks to them yg sanggup bwk i keluar makan..(wpon perut seriously dah full!)
Sepatutnye at the age of Nineteen xyah celebrate pon xpe..
As long as they remember my birthday and wish on my birthday..
That's more than enough!hehehee..
Lebih kurang mcm KFC!
(xtaw la camni nak survive,KFC opposite tu je)
(xtaw la camni nak survive,KFC opposite tu je)
I don't want the day to end..
Sbb firstly,this is my first time dapat free call sempena my birthday!
So call sane sini mmg xingt dunie..hehe!
Pastu,tahla,rase happy jgk la..Myb sbb dpt more friends yg ingat birthday kite and to celebrate with mengganti the old friends..sobsobsob
And ramai jgk la yg wish (although some of them i yg bgtahu sendiri masa call diorg!)
'Panas' jgk bile membe lame kite xingtkan..isk isk isk..
Tapi kalau nak dibandingkan,19th birhday is better than 18th birthday(xramai yg ingt),walaupun 18th birthday is more important to me!
Tak dilupakan,ade jugak my buddies yg buat2 lawak bengang..
"eh,22 ke 23 ha beday ko?aku confuse/lupe!"
nie yg bikin aku GGRRRR nie..
So,sebagai umur last dalam angka belasan-19,ada jugak rase 'lain'nya..
Im a growing woman,dude!
And as a growing woman(ceh!xle nak terima lg la word nih!sgt xseswai!),ade beberapa perkara yg I still xleh nak buat!Arghh..
Next year ahead,there's no more -teen!There will be -ty/ies!
And I wonder,what will my future will be like..hurm..
I want to valued every seconds of my last in teen years of age!
Sbb firstly,this is my first time dapat free call sempena my birthday!
So call sane sini mmg xingt dunie..hehe!
Pastu,tahla,rase happy jgk la..Myb sbb dpt more friends yg ingat birthday kite and to celebrate with mengganti the old friends..sobsobsob
And ramai jgk la yg wish (although some of them i yg bgtahu sendiri masa call diorg!)
'Panas' jgk bile membe lame kite xingtkan..isk isk isk..
Tapi kalau nak dibandingkan,19th birhday is better than 18th birthday(xramai yg ingt),walaupun 18th birthday is more important to me!
Tak dilupakan,ade jugak my buddies yg buat2 lawak bengang..
"eh,22 ke 23 ha beday ko?aku confuse/lupe!"
nie yg bikin aku GGRRRR nie..
So,sebagai umur last dalam angka belasan-19,ada jugak rase 'lain'nya..
Im a growing woman,dude!
And as a growing woman(ceh!xle nak terima lg la word nih!sgt xseswai!),ade beberapa perkara yg I still xleh nak buat!Arghh..
- Masak! (Damn it,i hate it,why ah,myb cause i've nvr tried!)
- Make-up! (Aiseyh! Susah la, lg2 part eye shadow!)
- Penampilan! (Adeyh! Bila la nak berpakaian feminine! Part susah nak mempelbagaikan gaya tudung! Urgh!)
Next year ahead,there's no more -teen!There will be -ty/ies!
And I wonder,what will my future will be like..hurm..
I want to valued every seconds of my last in teen years of age!
eeii tk sabar nk 19!
next year pulak dah 20
dah tua kite yerr
and sama lah kite
tk reti masak semuaa tu haiyaa
hahah..tu lah,akan ku belajar suatu hari naty slowly kan..
bapak aku xley nak byngkan dioee..
da tue bangke!
xgune nyer dugong!!
ko g balik laut laa..
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