August,the buzy month..{part one}
Dimulakan dgn awal bulan ni.On the 6th and 8th of August was Jang's and Ti's birthday. B'coz of the busy-ness with Tilawah Bazaar at PWTC with Rizqin,the celebration had to postponed to 07/08/09 or 09/08/09 pergh gile cantik num!! tak lah,on the 8th tu jgk celebrate kat Pappa Rich,Kelana Mall.
Obviously isn't my papa's restaurant!haha!
Ops..candid beday boys. On the 14th,Fezal balik.Mcm biasa 2weeks je till 29th Aug.And yes,yes,yes!barang yg nak sgt2 dapat jgk akhirnya!Nak taw apa?xbranded pon but it's means alot to me..heh..
Betul2 masa bulan puasa tahun lepas kat Glasgow bace yg Does My Head Look Big in This? pinjam kak ti punya (but then dia bg terus kat me-TQ),this year yg 10 Things I Hate About Me pulak! And guess what how long i can finish this quite thick book-for me la.Just a week,right after habis final exam start baca!!Kalau nak tau,since im not so excellent in BI kan,for sure agak merangkak2 la bace,yg Alchemist berthn2 pon xabis!Im so impress with myself!haha!I can't stop myself from gigge,frown,grin etc when reading it!Jamie/Jamilah is a good and pity girl,and Timothy is just a great guy!I just love him!The next day pulak gerak Tronoh,Perak for jang's graduation the following day.Papa,Mummy,Ti,Jang,me,Fezal,Kak Tie and Yusuff yg muat utk 2kreta.Dgn masalah2 yg dihadapi sampai agak lewat dekat homestay,dlm pukul 7pm.And Jang rush bersiap for dinner..
our homestay. The big day for Jang,org2 penting gerak dulu,while yg lain kemas2 rumah tu utk check-out dan gerak ke UTP,dan terus ke Bukit Merah pd mlmnya.
Jang and friends di menara gading!

Pic lain kat camera lain..later je yeh! Sblm ke Bukit Merah Laketown Resort,ada jemputan dr kawan lama Fezal masa kat Glasgow dulu merangkap lecturer Jang jgk.So,had dinner there.Save.Perjalanan about 3hours so dlm 2330 baru sampai apartmen 4 lot (studio room) yg diberi pinjam oleh 'seseorg' to Jang.Pergh,penat.Pastu salah bilik,tingkat lagi,pukul 2,3 baru boley tido.Jang and Ti sorg 1 bilik,Fezal satu family,papa,mummy and me 1 bilik.Gile conquer!
2330pm,16 Aug 09.
Tingkat 2 je,sesat sampai ke 7.ahaha! Yang Buzy,
At last! Barulah nampak something new and interesting, tergerak la pulak hati nak mengomennya. Haiya, nampak seronok lorh! Tp awatnya x boh gambar Jang n family yang posing bagus2? Teringin nak tgk esp. Si Peipei yang dah lama x di tatap wajahnya..asyik amik dr belakang je?
Hmmmm....dah jadi orang tua rupanya keponakan mokcik tue...
ouh..part two will be post soon!hahah..busy la maacheek..
hoo,jahat!xnak komen sbb tak interesting ahh..sampainya atimu macheekk..
keponakan?ape tuh?
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