Salam!Seperti mana yg kecoh (eh,kecoh ke??) dlm post lepas akirnya satu benda dah settle!
The trip yg nak ke Ulu Yam
(organize by Budak Tourism Geography-my mates) lah ape lah tu end up with a day trip at...Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM).-
(organized my Budak Domestic Tourism)The trip was last Sunday 2 Aug 09 ,8AM-6PM
Activity yg lasak but xde lah lasak mana is jungle trekking kat canopy walk.With the trek guide but without warm-up,tau2 lah jadi camner..
Baru sampai..To make the post short (hopefully) i include our
itineraries for that day at FRIM;
8AM:Gather at KLMU and wait for the bus.
-Hohh..a day selepas riot dekat Sogo which is quite close to our college papa boleh tanak anta and suh naik LRT dengan pg2 yg sunyi (org xkeja) sbb takot xle get through.LoL!
-And ada
stupid fcukin idiot sex maniac wandered in front of our college!Kus semangat!
8.30AM:Depart to FRIM,Kepong.
-dgn menaiki bus pekerja?Daaa..
9.00:Breakfast & Small briefing.
-Ada ke?tak hengat lak.But they did gave a bread and a tin of soya
(?!!) (for God's sake,tak boley pk ke Budak Domestic kite nak gi wat activity kan sgt bgs bg mineral water jek,murah pon murah kot,xberat!ngok!)9.30:Let's Go for Jungle Trekking!.
-After a little brief from sape tah tu En.Zul the guide person kat sana la,without let our muscle loosen,
(but hopefully the brain gave the signal already to muscle yg akn bekerja keras-haha)kiteorg terus memulakan 900m trek biasa and 500m trek curam.Boleh tahan penat whoah!
-My back?sakit la,but psychologycally dont' think bout it much-take it easy.
Bebelit and tough jgk la..
nice of me,but ade kacau..huh..10.00AM:I FEEL CAN FLY @Canopy Walk.
-This one is a bit tougher than before.I didn't noticed the greatness of canopy tuh.Don't even know how does it look like-My Bad!
-Did noticed ade saluran air dri tanah.Air bukit eh?So,dorg kate leh minum,minum je la.Soya xberguna kot masa nih!
to canopy walkway..
Penat jgk..
Dah lama tak berjungle trekking!11.00:Free & Easy.
-Ape kebende nih?!Not sure,but maybe the bridge tu kot
(is it bridge what they call it?-argh!).
In the middle of the trek there will be a station for that bridge.Trek still ada,but if u didn't buy the ticket
(kena beli kat bwh-haha!) and don't wanna experience this WOW moment then don't queue up and proceed la!
Canopy Walkway bridge punya stop.
Dalam pondok kecil itu.
Gayat siot!
Are you an acrophobia?12.30:Lunch.
-Sesampai di picnic area,we had nasi goreng ayam.banyak.Sedap jgk la-dah lapar kan.But xsempat nak abis!Sayangnyeee!Rindu pulak!
-Pastu mandi water fall,sungai..

Lecturer T.G-Mdm.Wina,Miss xtaw and us..
teserempak pulak ngan ulat apetah ni..
Picnic area,220m.silap tunjuk daa..
2.30:Treasure Hunt.
-While BBQ tgh nak masak oleh the organizer
(Budak Domestic and our beloved lectures) ,kami dipecahkan ikut group.Amik soklan.Lari2 dah macam ape entah sume org tgk.Cari that hidden treasure
(ke?) and yes,2nd place is my group-ok la.
3.00:Unwanted Activities @ Surprise.
-Lepas rehat lepas lelah berlari2,ade main mainan nih plak.Mengarut jek.Game wajib kat birthday party!;rebut kerusi-tapi xde kerusi we used paper.And mp3 from handphone yg dganye sayup2.Abisla masa xpatut duduk dorg gi duduk.Me the third one yg kena denda-buat watak tomboy@mak nyak-ngarut siott!!But ok la my group again won!Ngahaha!
Pusing,pusing,xdapat duduk kena denda!
Truly camping.Ayam and sausage bakar semata.4.30:BBQ Time!
-Mmg betul2 mcm camping gitu.Ayam bakar semate
(kalu ade chili sause lg sodap!). and sausage and air sunquick tawar!hahaha!But,sedap woo..Teliur plak!
-Another kiddy activity-amik candy dlm tepung guna mulut?Daa..
-Pecah belon dlm air for group leader.Ada paper dlm belon.yg ayatnya macam;
'Holiday dirumah sendiri' or
'ha!ha!tak dapat hadiah!'.OK,good job u guys!
-Buat hal sendiri.Lepak or mandi di water fall and wat aksi 18SG.I tak mandi sgt-ah,frust gile sbb stupid mistake lupa bwk an important basic cloth!
Manusia celup tepung..haha!
6.00:Return to KLMU.
-Selepas kemas tapak and salin baju semua.
-Kutip abiskan ayam.
-Kepenatan yang tahap melebihi super dewa!

da yg sanggup turun dgn jeans tau!
The first group and the best group ever!haha!
Go Green!0ur group colour.*****Itineraries disediakan oleh lecturer Tourism Geo utk di buat individual report.
So,basically im going to be so buzy.Final is just around the conner.Bucu tu jek!
Yang Buzy,