So this weekend boleh la pg my friend's wedding! (19 years old bride!)

Arghhh!Dilemma! Dilemma! Dilemma! Please help me out..Give me some opinion.
I dunno where else to turn to! I can't decide it!
Tourism Geography assignment consist of:I dunno where else to turn to! I can't decide it!
1-Outdoor assignment
2-Indoor assignment
So for those who wanna do the outdoor assg they will be going to Ulu Yam 2days 1night on 25th & 26thJuly (sound boring eh) but got lots of activities,everything will be provided and etc etc etc..
In the end u'll just have to prepare the report about the activities u're done on the trip.Easy!
Indoor assignment-students are assign to do a VIRTUAL TOUR to a selected region except M'sia.
And need to to prepare using Power Point,Media Movie Maker and a report about it.
Dateline-27th July 2009!
The instruction;
Slide 1-cover slide
Slide 2-Map
Slide 3-Climate
Slide 4-Precipitation(rainfall)
Slide 5-Tourist Attractions
Slide 6-Hotel Accommodations
Slide 7-Restaurants
Slide 8-Food Specialities
Slide 9-History
Slide 10-Government Officials-
Slide 11-Wildlife
Slide 12-Vegetation
Slide 13-Physical features
Slide 14-Current event
Slide 15-Nightlife
Slide 16-Miscellaneous
Slide 17-Virtual tour price summary
Slide 2-Map
Slide 3-Climate
Slide 4-Precipitation(rainfall)
Slide 5-Tourist Attractions
Slide 6-Hotel Accommodations
Slide 7-Restaurants
Slide 8-Food Specialities
Slide 9-History
Slide 10-Government Officials-
Slide 11-Wildlife
Slide 12-Vegetation
Slide 13-Physical features
Slide 14-Current event
Slide 15-Nightlife
Slide 16-Miscellaneous
Slide 17-Virtual tour price summary
Haa..Tgk lah..I got two assignment to choose,in my sick condition now!
The trip-My classmates say, "Takpe,kita yg arrange activities so ko AJK xperlu wat xtvt lasak pon.Just jaga tent tu ke. Takpe.and activities tak lasak sgt pon.Kiteorg yg wat kan.Tak effect pon kot.."
So skarang mcm mana,i dunno if i can even bring a heavy load-my bag.staying in the tent,and do what those thing ppl usually do in camping etc..
Cam ne kalo balik nnt sakit terok?(hopefully not la)
I told my fren i'll decide and let them know once i asked my physiotherapist,but hell no im not going to call them to ask,i got the answer already!
And one more thing,I PAID ALREADY RM70 je (from rm120,tp kalo xckup org-skang 16org-nnt each one kena byr lebih!)
But deep down in my heart i think i can do it,go to the camp.
Serupa je duduk kat rumah xwat apa pon sakit jgk! and i have to bear it.
So baik pg camping and maybe at least do something,and bear with it?
Nasib final dah delayed from 1st week of August to 3rd week!
The virtual assg-Once i heard about the trip since i don't think i can make for the trip-last Wed.
I've decided to choose Glasgow,Scotland.I've been there and this is the time i wanna share my experience and show off with the guys!hahha! I already have some infos but all the power point,movie maker really2 crack me up! So many photoshops,editing,and creativity!!
and in about 4days can i make it?
lambat je hantar i loss the marks!
both assg is 25%!I know i can do this assg also,but it's all abt time!
So? trip? virtual? trip? virtual? trip? virtual? trip? virtual? trip? virtual? !!!!!!
Yang Dilema,

The trip-My classmates say, "Takpe,kita yg arrange activities so ko AJK xperlu wat xtvt lasak pon.Just jaga tent tu ke. Takpe.and activities tak lasak sgt pon.Kiteorg yg wat kan.Tak effect pon kot.."
So skarang mcm mana,i dunno if i can even bring a heavy load-my bag.staying in the tent,and do what those thing ppl usually do in camping etc..
Cam ne kalo balik nnt sakit terok?(hopefully not la)
I told my fren i'll decide and let them know once i asked my physiotherapist,but hell no im not going to call them to ask,i got the answer already!
And one more thing,I PAID ALREADY RM70 je (from rm120,tp kalo xckup org-skang 16org-nnt each one kena byr lebih!)
But deep down in my heart i think i can do it,go to the camp.
Serupa je duduk kat rumah xwat apa pon sakit jgk! and i have to bear it.
So baik pg camping and maybe at least do something,and bear with it?
Nasib final dah delayed from 1st week of August to 3rd week!
The virtual assg-Once i heard about the trip since i don't think i can make for the trip-last Wed.
I've decided to choose Glasgow,Scotland.I've been there and this is the time i wanna share my experience and show off with the guys!hahha! I already have some infos but all the power point,movie maker really2 crack me up! So many photoshops,editing,and creativity!!
and in about 4days can i make it?
lambat je hantar i loss the marks!
both assg is 25%!I know i can do this assg also,but it's all abt time!
So? trip? virtual? trip? virtual? trip? virtual? trip? virtual? trip? virtual? !!!!!!
Yang Dilema,

Welcome to the real world! where there are datelines to catch! ha ha ha...
membantu tak?
ps: Glassgow! Boring!!! why tak amik Korea? i thought you are into Korean, lagi banyak benda boleh kembangkan... since i've been to Korea, well Twice (once in the Fall of 2004 and the second in Summer 2005), i can help you out with it...
i am into korea!but since im the one who had BEEN to glasgow,tat is why i choose glasgow scotland!
btw,i helped n asked my buddy to do korea alreadi..
so now,it isn't abt place,
it's about VIRTUAL or TRIP?
u think in this so so so short time will i manage to do the virtual one or am i able/shud i go to the trip???
reply asap!
Virtual sebab TRIP tu kena outdoor activity nanti sakit belakang...
ades..kesian dia sakit ye..
patot lame xdgr kabo..
virtual la senang sbb betol kata pengomen diatas ni..nanti sakit belakang! ;)
u must take care, ok?
luv ya!
from: sis Zazz!~ :P
thanks to both of you!
zazz:thanks,ok insya suntuk sgt masa ni..kalu pk sakit dok umah,online ni pon sakit..
ok,i'll try my best!
love u too sis!
kalau la kan, aku amek yg trip tuh
alah lgpun 2 hari jek, best taw g trip huhu
tp disebabkan ko tgh tk bape sehat
dgn sakit blkang, chicken pox? huhu.
yg virtual tu pulak ko byk tktaw nk buat movie maker segala, tp assg in group tkpe la, bleh kasi yg mahir buatkan tp kene byk buat research la kan, tu part malas tuh haha.
tp better ko amek yg trip tu kan
exercise sket hehe
byk bende leh cite kt report sbb aktiviti tu kita buat sendiri.
so buat la pilihan sebaik nye, aku dah kasi pendapat hehe.
eh chicken pox dah oke?
fathy:thx sgt first komen ko panjang!hahah..
lama xdga citer ko,bz sgt ke?
chiken pox nak sebulan dah,ok sgt dah,tp still xmkn telo la..huhu..bru stat mkn ayam n seafood sket2..
ha,forgot to inform!yg virtual assg tuh INDIVIDUAL ok,baru jek taw jgk!
tu masalah sket tuh.
movie maker ingt nak minx tlg ira,tp leceh la jgk kan..
mmg bnyk research!
tu pon,aku dah pk nak gi trip la kot,kalo sakit trok pon balik nnt blakang kira ah!
trip pon dah extent to next week,leh la gi wedding Win!
oh ada byk parut tk?
hurm dah la individual, aku rasa agak susah bg ko
ko tu dah la kecik haha
tkde kene mgene pon
amek trip ah, in group kan tu?
okey ah tuh, cantek dahh
paroy kalo yg besa2 tu ade la,kat muke sisi2 ade la 3-4 sbb aku kupas.. ade gak skali tuh aku redah je gi college ngan parot2 tuh..
org nak pk aku accident ke apa lantak laa..
pelak kecik kaitan ngn assg nih,adoi..haha..
ehh,xde nye group2,sume wat sndri2..
terok ah aku sem nih,cls bnyk xgi-MC,kuiz acc 1 pon xwat agi fati!
dush btol!
salam dik...... sori... xdepet den nak nolong ea.... soba2 jo la....
salam ziarah agiii..
coz i mish u~ :P
how r u doin? da sihat sikit?
tc, ok? :)
luse sis da nk gerak gi praktikal..
nk gtau tu je huhu
doakan sis bejaye abiskan praktikal dengan jayanya k?
sis msti akn windu awk, ieda n zatie pasnih..ekeke~ ^^
kak syaida:thanks akk,xpela xdpt tlg pon,dah setteled pon..hehe.
zazz:salam sis,kite camni la kkdng ok kkdang tak sgt..hehe.sis plak?
alo,nak gerak dah??
huhuh..lama ke practical tu??
so nnt jrg on la eh?
kekadang kite usha jgk blog akk tp x left comment jee..huhu..
sis wat lah facebook,ada tak?
ok,kite doakan sis ok!
so the very best of luck to you sista!
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