Adeesss..Bahaya betul taw kalu anda adalah seorang yg buta IT! Heheheh..Macam saya lah kan,tadi nak cari info utk this coming group presentation so bukak lah macam2 web pages,sbb sbelum ni mmg xpenah kena apa2 kan..
Tetibe keluar pop-up ckp ur pc kena virus and u might lose some data blablabla..
Gile cuak!Die suh download anti-virus apetah.Pastu keluar lg pop-up and bila click terus keluar windows My Computer la pulak.But the weird is,windows my computer tu dekat internet punya tab(u know if u open a few tabs dia akan bukak kat atas tu kan).
Padahal kalau bukak My Computer biasanya tab bukak kat bwh(yg biru tuh).
The fake My Computer tu tunjuk the standard arrangement and name of files yg kena virus.
I pon panggil my brother and asked him out!
Die tgk mula2 marah jgk,bila check2 die kata;'ni yg tipu punya nih!Bukan PC kita!Ni lah yg keluar dlm paper tu!'
Then dia tunjuk article dalam paper tu and tunjuk penipuan yg dikatakan sebelum tu.
Memula bukak My Computer dari PC kita sendiri and bkk pop-up My Computer tadi!
Tekejot jgk tgk!It's almost the same dowh!!
Kalau kita alert dgn Susunan folder/documents dlm My Computer kita kite akan sedar.
As mine,name of a few folder is totally difference,and dekat Hard Disk xde dvd,lain dgn yg fake punya.. Lepas die scan ape semua,tgk sane sini(i am not sure what he was doing..hehe) baru lah i boleh guna pc balik. Tu pon selepas dinasihat dan diajar itu dan ini. adoy,risau pulak nak bukak mana2 web site.
The news bout this conficker virus;-
SAN FRANCISCO: A tenacious computer worm which has wriggled its way onto machines worldwide is set to evolve on April Fool's Day, becoming harder to exterminate but not expected to wreak havoc.
"There is no evidence of it going into attack mode or dropping any particular payload on April 1," Ferguson said in an interview. "What people controlling the botnet are doing is building in survivability because of efforts by the good guys to lessen the harm of this thing."
Once in a computer it digs deep, setting up defences that make it hard to extract. Malware could be triggered to steal data or turn control of infected computers over to hackers amassing "zombie" machines into "botnet" armies. A troubling aspect of Conficker is that it harnesses computing power of a botnet to crack passwords. Microsoft has modified its free Malicious Software Removal Tool to detect and get rid of Conficker.
"As this threat continues to evolve, Microsoft and other collaborative companies will continue to identify new ways to disrupt the Conficker threat to give customers more time to update their systems," said Christopher Budd, security response communication lead for Microsoft. Computer users are advised to stay current on anti-virus tools and Windows updates, and to protect computers and files with strong passwords.
Conficker is programmed to reach out to 250 websites daily to download commands from its masters. Tomorrow, the worm will begin connecting with 50,000 websites daily to better hide where orders originate, according to Mikko Hypponen of F-Secure computer security firm. Conficker was first detected in November last year.
Among the ways one can tell if their machine is infected is that the worm will block efforts to connect with websites of security firms such as Trend Micro or Symantec where there are online tools for removing the virus. "Once a machine is infected, it becomes very hard to clean up," Ferguson said. "There is no indication of (Conficker) doing anything but just sitting there. We don't know whether another shoe is going to drop, or if there is another shoe at all." -- AFP
Pendrive yg baru beli beberapa bulan kena virus gile dari cc dekat area college and most of the folder hilang!But the name of the folder still remain there bila di scan virusnya,or bila nak rename new folder with the old name one.
Semuanya gara2 kwn ku yg sengal itu yg nak copy cover assignment!
Jgn harap ngk bkk pendrive ku kat mana2 puclic cc lg!
But,camne ngan folder2 ku yg hilang?Takleh kembalikan balik ke?pleeesssss...
Semuanya gara2 kwn ku yg sengal itu yg nak copy cover assignment!
Jgn harap ngk bkk pendrive ku kat mana2 puclic cc lg!
But,camne ngan folder2 ku yg hilang?Takleh kembalikan balik ke?pleeesssss...
assalamualaikum.... ermmm sy pon penah kena gak virus cmni... tp luck ckit coz folder x ilang, kwn2 sy file diorang ilang... mmg xleh nak restore blk.. mmg ilang... kalo leh, guna la kapersky latest version... ok la...kuat gak... adios...
ouh..thx erk gtaw!
yg hilang tuh folder dlm pendrive..
member g cucuk kat cc colege..
lubuk virus!
ni mesti bukak website tak senonoh ni! tu yang kena Virus tuh! abang you tu mesti namanya Fathi kan? mesti terkocoh-kocoh nak menyetelkan kes Virus tu... he he...
hey!suke hati aje okay..
mmg tgh musim mase tuh benda nih..
sians sungguh..
aku pny pendrive lg mengong..
aku wat asgmnt database,sat lg improper close kott,smpai skang xleh delete file uh,pastu nk add or remove any folder dr pendrive tuh pom xleh..
babik sungguh..
**klu ko nk folder ko blik ko g ar jmp bomoh thailand,mintak die carikn..
huh?problem ko tuh aku tak pahem!
member aku ckp aku leh dptkan bik those files,ade org kat klmu leh wat kan..
but kena byr rm2 laa..
tp skang pendrive tuh da ilang lesap ntah kemane laaa..
sakit aty gile beb!
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