It's kinda late wish,so i will make it as short as possible..heheh..
Selamat Hari Raya and maaf zahir batin to my family,relatives,friends and all the bloggers and my follower!
Semoga raya kali ini lagi meriah dr tahun sebelumnya.Dalam enjoy2 jgn lupa pada yg tiada mahupun yg tak berkemampuan.
And im reaaaalllly miss the last raya.It's just feels different this eid.And i miss my hometown too!
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Salam Lebaran 2009!
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
August,the buzy month..{part two}
(p/s atas:sori.gile lambat gap part one and two nih,bz bai..)
Dah apartmen mengadap swimming pool,apa lagi hajat nak bgn awal swimming pg esok,but tggu org lain jd lambat.Tp lama jgk mandi at last.Papa,mummy and kak tie je xmasuk pool.Yusuff pon join jgk tuu!

Dah puas mandy+takot,budak ni pun 'membasuh' bajunye..
The following day (19th Aug) is the big day for Yusuff.Nothing really special like cukur jambul (yusuff no longer have jambul lor),marhaban etc etc.Cukuplah sekadar jamuan makan tghari for the neighbours,and dinner for relative.3 lauk hasil dr Tok Mi and the rest from half-catering.heh.Bgs la sepupu,kupu2 sepapat tu yg jrg nampak muke dtg la.Esp belah papa.mami?sorg jex wakil..huhu..bestnye kalo yg lain adee..Pic langsung xamik,sbb cam tak menarik pon..huhuh..tak la maybe to be exact toooo buzy..(was i?).Maybe kak tiqah ade kot,sbb dia dtg dgn SLRnya.
Akikah yusuff di kajang pulak malam,hidangan Arabic cuisine,nyum2.Tp krg ramai myb b'coz that night was raining and nak dekat puasa..hurm..
As long as sume ni finally settle jgk stelah bnyk kali di postponed.
Formal pulee..
Dah apartmen mengadap swimming pool,apa lagi hajat nak bgn awal swimming pg esok,but tggu org lain jd lambat.Tp lama jgk mandi at last.Papa,mummy and kak tie je xmasuk pool.Yusuff pon join jgk tuu!
Dah puas mandy+takot,budak ni pun 'membasuh' bajunye..
Lepas dah puas mandi (ye kee?) terus packing and check-out.Heading to Bukit Merah Laketown Resort's park.Enjoying the nature,enjoying the theme park with chair-lift.Disebabkan ade yusuff and in that precious moment la die nak beradu pulak,so someone have to take care of that little boy.Sape lagi,fhm2 la.Tok Pa and Tok Mi lah while the rest of us enjoy!..ngahaha..
Lepas lunch yg amat tidak memuaskan ati tuh and cekik darah,me insist on playing the 'Bumper Car'.The riders;Fezal,Ti,Jang and Teh.Pergh gilak best tak terkata bila main camtuh.Baru terase macam rapat adik-bradik.This kinda moment je la yg mem'bonding'kan the siblings!Kalau Kak Tie main pun lagi best,tp Fezal cam tak bg,dia mcm nak,so no one can help it..
Pastu balik.Dem I miss BMLR!
Lepas lunch yg amat tidak memuaskan ati tuh and cekik darah,me insist on playing the 'Bumper Car'.The riders;Fezal,Ti,Jang and Teh.Pergh gilak best tak terkata bila main camtuh.Baru terase macam rapat adik-bradik.This kinda moment je la yg mem'bonding'kan the siblings!Kalau Kak Tie main pun lagi best,tp Fezal cam tak bg,dia mcm nak,so no one can help it..
Pastu balik.Dem I miss BMLR!
On the way balik gile wo kecoh (am I exaggerating?) sbb papa plan nak amik graduation family pic kat studio.Sbb jubah jang kena hantar the next day,and the following day akikah yusuff di KJ.So papa dok arahkan org kat rumah (faez) pg book studio while we all xsure kul bape sampai KJ!Bobo yg ditinggalkan kat Jumbo pet shop kena amik jgk before 7pm sbb kedai ttp kalu lambat kena charge lagi.At last decide amik Bobo the next day je and studio selamat di booking and kiteorg selamat sampai around 8++pm.Dlm kereta dah plan masing2 nak pakai baju apa etc etc,sampai masing2 pecut solat+ironing+bathing(fezal lah nih rushing pon sempat lg die!) etc etc.
And this is the result after a few days;
And this is the result after a few days;
The next day is a massive cleaning for Yusuff's akikah in KJ.The following day (19th Aug) is the big day for Yusuff.Nothing really special like cukur jambul (yusuff no longer have jambul lor),marhaban etc etc.Cukuplah sekadar jamuan makan tghari for the neighbours,and dinner for relative.3 lauk hasil dr Tok Mi and the rest from half-catering.heh.Bgs la sepupu,kupu2 sepapat tu yg jrg nampak muke dtg la.Esp belah papa.mami?sorg jex wakil..huhu..bestnye kalo yg lain adee..Pic langsung xamik,sbb cam tak menarik pon..huhuh..tak la maybe to be exact toooo buzy..(was i?).Maybe kak tiqah ade kot,sbb dia dtg dgn SLRnya.
Akikah yusuff di kajang pulak malam,hidangan Arabic cuisine,nyum2.Tp krg ramai myb b'coz that night was raining and nak dekat puasa..hurm..
As long as sume ni finally settle jgk stelah bnyk kali di postponed.
spot the different between these two photos!;This official family photo was taken on the 25th Aug.Nak jgk amik sementara semua ada.
In the first pic I think,haha..fezal,kak tie and papa over-joyed,jang ayu,faez cute,ti finally smile!,min pendek and gedik sama ngan mami,me-urgh i hate it so so much!yusuff-buhsan and blur!haha..
What do u guys think?
For closing August hantar fezal on the 29th Aug,and bebuka puasa di Seafood restaurant kat Sepang.
(p/s bawah:and guess what,fezal will be coming back in another 2 weeks=23rd Spt.Raya kat Mesia!then balik ke UK besama2 familynyaaa..The End)
Yang Serabut Masa Typing,
What do u guys think?
For closing August hantar fezal on the 29th Aug,and bebuka puasa di Seafood restaurant kat Sepang.
(p/s bawah:and guess what,fezal will be coming back in another 2 weeks=23rd Spt.Raya kat Mesia!then balik ke UK besama2 familynyaaa..The End)
Yang Serabut Masa Typing,

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